Delaine Sharon Littler-Nxumalo

delaineMy name is Delaine Sharon Littler-Nxumalo, and I am 40 years old. I live in Bez Valley, Johannesburg. I have been a full member of the church for one year now. I was guided to this church by Tony and Ellison Pheiffer, who are full members of the church and family to me. What brought me to this church were spiritual and financial problems.

After following the basic guidance given by the head of the Johrei Center and the Minister, I have managed to overcome these problems.

The testimony of faith I would like to share with you is related to following the guidance.

During the Sunday service, in preparation for the annual Ancestor’s Service on November 2nd, the Minister guided us to approach schools, hospitals and private houses in the area offering to make Nature Farming prototypes.

I had an appointment on Monday with the headmaster of Laer School Kensington, to finalize my son Caleb’s space for next year. I had spoken to him about the things of God in our first meeting, because I had noticed some certificates on the wall from Bible College. I shared with him my journey to becoming a Messianic. As we were discussing Caleb’s schooling, I felt that I had nothing to lose offering to give him Johrei. I shared with him about the Divine Light of God, and that even though he may be skeptical, he must not judge the prayer based on the knowledge that he has, but rather for him to discern it from his spirit. The very next minute, while I was giving him Johrei across the table, he started crying. He told me he was really scared of deviating from anything that is not in the Bible, because he had managed to overcome a lifestyle and habits of which he is not proud, through his commitment to the Bible study and prayer.

I asked him to please come round the table so that I am able to give him Johrei in the proper manner. He agreed and I had permission to give him Johrei for 30 minutes. After that, one of the teachers came to report to the head master that the government had dropped off food for the feeding scheme this morning, even though they had sent a notification to the school saying they would no longer be supplying them with food for the last term. The head master seemed surprised that they had dropped the food off, because they had even asked the lady that is involved in the cooking not to come anymore. This was indeed the first miracle.

I then spoke to the headmaster about coming to the school to create a Nature Farming model. I explained how it will be beneficial for supplying vegetables for the feeding scheme, and as a way for the children to learn about a healthy way of living. He was open to the idea and we arranged to go to the school on Thursday together with a team to implement this project.

The following day, I went to the school to give the head master Johrei, and while I was praying he told me that he had an unusual dream the night before. He said that in his dream he was walking in a field and he was picking up coins and filling his pockets with them. The next minute, some other people appeared and asked him what he was doing. He told them he was picking up coins and they started doing the same thing. In the next scene of the dream they were in a person’s yard picking up more coins and he also picked up what looked like a pair of pliers. After a while he picked up the fence and left the yard with his pockets bulging. He was concerned about the meaning of the dream. After sharing it with the Minister, he felt it was related to the Nature Farming project we were about to embark on.

On Thursday the team together with the Minister met at the school and we began to create the model. The teachers were so excited and supportive; they could not believe that there are people willing to offer their time at no cost to create something so beautiful that would benefit so many lives. The one teacher came to tell us that she will donate a hose pipe and she will speak to the other teachers about providing seeds. She went on to say that she teaches Natural Science and that she would like the students to get involved in this project as part of their curriculum.

Towards the end of the day the teacher came back to say that we must please give her a number on a daily basis of the people that will be dedicating at the school so that they can be provided with lunch from the feeding scheme. Yet again we received a great blessing! Towards the end of our dedication the weather conditions changed drastically and there was a violent wind storm followed by showers of blessings! I had experienced this once before when I had permission to dedicate in New Castle where we created a model for the Department of Agriculture. The very same thing happened. There was a huge wind storm followed by showers of rain. This proves that when we work with the soil on a large scale there is a definite change in the environment to the point that the weather conditions change; a sign that our ancestors are receiving the light and are really happy with the changes that have taken place through working with the soil.

The members in Johannesburg now have a place where we can practice Nature Farming on a daily basis. This will definitely bring light to our area and open doors for us to bring this to other schools, hospitals and institutions to educate people on Nature Farming and expand the work of Supreme God and Messiah Meishu-Sama.

I have learnt through this experience that we need to follow the guidance given with no fear recognizing that God has already gone before us and prepared the way, ours is to just act and God will fulfill his plan.

 I would like to give gratitude to Supreme God and Messiah Meishu-Sama for all these blessings. I do not even have the words to express just how grateful I am to be apart of God’s plan to create paradise on Earth.

My commitment is to continue serving God and humanity guiding as many people as possible to the light through johrei, Nature Farming  and the distribution of flowers of light.

To all Ministers, Missionaries, Full Members and Members thank you very much for your support. To all present thank you very much.

Johannesburg 21nd October 2014

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